Religious Studies
About Us
Annalora Calin
Religious Studies Teacher
Deacon Steve Herrera
Religious Studies Teacher
Katya Lohngoen
Religious Studies Teacher
Deidre Savino
Religious Studies Teacher
Gillian Wallace, SNDdeN
Religious Studies Teacher
The religious studies team provides a curriculum that supports spiritual, emotional, and academic growth. Inspired by St. Julie and based on Catholic teaching, we proclaim the goodness of God and the fundamental call to action on behalf of justice. Students respond to the message of Jesus Christ with self-reflection, critical thinking, prayer, and service. Anchored in the conviction that all of life is sacramental, students build inclusive community and engage in interfaith dialogue.
Fast Facts
- Confirmation Program: Every other year, in collaboration with Campus Ministry, we offer a path for upper division students who wish to celebrate the Catholic Sacrament of Confirmation.
- Field Trips: We average 6-8 field trips per semester to locations in downtown San Jose including the Martin Luther King Jr. Library, Downtown Institute, First Unitarian Church, Washington Center, San Jose State University, St. Joseph's Cathedral and Veggielution
- Guest Speakers: Local experts are invited into select classes, on average, three times per semester.
- Journal Reflections: All classes invite thoughtful reflection and most require journal work on specific topics.
- Creative Projects: Each class has more than one project, created digitally and/or with traditional materials, as both end-of-unit and formative assessments.