Student Announcements
Club Officer Applications and Prospective Club Officer Workshops
Interested in being a club officer next year? If so, check out the club officer application and election guidelines slideshow for more information about eligibility, available positions, and how elections work. Applications will open on Friday, February 14 at 8 a.m. and close on Tuesday, April 29 at 6 p.m. New applicants can also join one of the prospective club officer workshops on Friday, February 21 and Friday, March 21 at lunch in C101 to learn more about the different officer positions, the application process and how elections work. Both workshops will be identical, so only plan to attend one or the other. Please email Mrs. Borromei with any questions.
Leadership Appplictions Are Open for 2025-26
Applications for ASB School Council, Class Council, ASB CP Reps, CM Cp Reps and Cheerleaders for the 2025-26 school year are now open! Visit the Elected/Selected Positions Timeline for more information about each position and to apply. Applications for leadership groups (TASC Justice, TASC Service, PMLT, Facing History Student Leaders, Freshman Link, and League of Young Women Voters) and robotics leadership will be posted soon. Please email Ms. Fitzgerald with any questions.
Cross Cultural Connection Program
Join the Cross Cultural Connections Program! Participants will be talking to students who attend Keio Girls High School in Tokyo, Japan over Zoom. They will meet every Saturday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. for three weeks on the dates of February 22, March 1 and March 8 (participants do not need to attend all dates). All grades are invited to participate and please sign up here. Email Olivia '26 ( with any questions.
Downtown Doors Submissions Are Open
All ND students are invited to submit pieces for Downtown Doors! All mediums are accepted and submissions are due on March 3, 2025 by 3 p.m. to Ms. Mahler in SLC130 (physical artwork) or emailed to Mr. Johnson. Please see any art teacher with questions.
Sister Scripture Squad
All students are invited to join the Sister Scripture Squad, ND's bible study group. They meet every Thursday at lunch in the Prayer and Meditation Room (C306). Please email Ms. Ciuca with any questions.
Yearbooks Are Now on Sale!
The Yearbook is now available for purchase on our Walsworth website. The price is $80.
"Pave The Way" Leadership Theme Gift
If you did not receive a "Pave the Way" compass keychain during the opening assembly or if you were absent that day, please fill out this form and your gift will be delivered to you in one of your upcoming Wednesday CP blocks.
Student Parking Information
Due to the limited number of parking spaces available in the ND/280 faculty and staff parking lot, spaces will be allocated to seniors only via a lottery system for each semester. Underclass students and seniors who did not receive a space in the lot have the following parking options:
- Find free, on-street parking on the surface streets around campus
- Park in the City of San Jose's I280/First Street parking lot and either pay the $5 daily rate at the kiosks in the lot or purchase monthly passes through the City of San Jose
Students in the class of 2026 can enter the lottery for their senior year via an interest form that will be released in the spring.
Class Ring Information
Browse the digital catalog of class ring offerings on the Herff Jones website! Rings can be ordered online for students of all grade levels and turn-around time from production to shipping is approximately 5-6 weeks. Please email Mike Rabago ( with any questions.
Funding the Future Class Totals
Class of 2025 Giving Page
Class of 2026 Giving Page
Class of 2027 Giving Page
Class of 2028 Giving Page
Student Life Feedback Form
Regent Cup Point Meter
Notre Dame's Student Newspaper the Crown and Shield
Career & Life Success for internship/jobs/enrichment opportunities.