Student Leadership
Elected and Selected Leadership Positions
ASB - Associated Student Body
ASB members are elected to represent their peers and the school. The mission of ASB is to develop a deeper sense of unity, promote the practice of justice and peace within the school and greater community, provide for more efficient execution of student body business, inspire school spirit, and encourage scholastic achievement. Positions include: ASB School Council, ASB Class Council, and ASB CP Reps. View the individual ASB positions here.
PMLT - Peer Ministry Leadership Team
The Peer Ministry Leadership Team seeks to lead, inspire and invite the Notre Dame community to the experience of faith. Encouraged by the values of spirituality, community, and ministry, the Peer Ministry Leadership Team will offer love, companionship and hospitality to the community so that all students can explore their spirituality with openness and encouragement. Peer ministers commit to serving the spiritual needs of the Notre Dame community. As student advisers to Campus Ministry, members play an active role in Campus Ministry events and programs throughout the year.
Campus Ministry (CM) CP Representatives
Campus Ministry CP Reps are elected to lead and invite their classmates to experiences in spirituality, service and justice. The mission of the CM CP Representative is to keep their homeroom informed of ministry and service opportunities, foster solidarity and prayer in the homeroom community, and provide support to a variety of CM programs.
TASC - Teaching, Advising and Serving our Community
TASC Service ‐ Strives to empower students in their service-learning experiences and encourage a spirit of service and solidarity. They provide service experiences for the larger Notre Dame Community and lead local drives to support local community partners.
TASC Justice - Serves the justice education and advocacy needs of the Notre Dame community. TASC Justice leaders offer opportunities to participate in justice campaigns, education, philanthropy, and advocacy events which focus on serving and celebrating our local and global communities. As student advisers to Campus Ministry, members play an active role in Campus Ministry events and programs throughout the year. Our Mission is to expand Notre Dame's awareness of the greater community through service and the giving of oneself to others.
Facing History Student Leaders
Notre Dame is part of the Innovative Schools Network sponsored by Facing History and Ourselves. Educators and students from the schools in the Bay Area work together and are united by the common commitment to the Facing History themes of justice and being an upstander. The goal of the Facing History Student Leadership Groups (FH SLG) is to develop a network of students who meet regularly for academic and social opportunities, facilitate inter-school exchanges between different and diverse schools within the ISN and develop leaders who are a cohort of activists.
Freshman Link
The Freshman Link Leadership Team’s mission is to continue freshman orientation all year. Freshman Link leaders plan and implement creative ways to ensure our freshman feel connected and part of the Notre Dame community from the first day of school through their entire freshman year. As positive role models the team will work with compassion and kindness to ensure the freshman feel safe and confident to make connections and get involved. The team will participate in freshman homerooms as well as take the lead in Freshman Orientation, Freshman Overnight and Freshman Breakaway Days.
League of Young Women Voters
The League of Young Women Voters is an ND leadership group empowering students to advocate, promote, and inform their communities on the importance of voting and using their voices to create change.
Student Organizations and Academic Honor Societies
As the ambassadors of Notre Dame San Jose, it is our mission to serve as representatives of the school, and to communicate the values and experiences surrounding Notre Dame to prospective students and their families. As the link between the school and the community at large, it is our responsibility to be polite, presentable, and friendly, and to accurately and honestly recount our personal experiences as a student and convey the sentiments of the Notre Dame Community.
Ambassadors will represent the school in an effort to help recruit incoming high school students. They will learn to present themselves - and thus the entire Notre Dame community – positively and professionally, and will become role models for younger students. Students will learn to organize and lead events for prospective or incoming students. This includes creating ice breakers and activities and leading group discussions, as well as gathering supplies, answering questions, and greeting potential and new students and their families. Students will help organize and participate in school events such as Open House, Frosh Orientation, Class Visits, and High School Information Nights. Students will acquire skills in planning, organizing, and executing important events.
Most importantly, Ambassadors promote the school, and provide an accurate and genuine representation of what it means to be a student at Notre Dame.
NHS - National Honor Society
Students must submit an application for membership to NHS. Students are selected for membership based on the information they provide in their online application to the faculty Scholarship Committee. The criteria for selection is set by national bylaws and include a minimum GPA of 3.0, good character, evidence of significant leadership, and community service. Students will submit their information (including service hours, co-curricular activities and leadership on campus and off campus).
CSF - California Scholarship Federation
If you have questions about student leadership and activities at Notre Dame High School, please contact:

Tanisha Fitzgerald
Director of Student Leadership
408-294-1113 x2172

Cara Cavigliano '00 Borromei
Student Activities Director
408-294-1113 x2183