Janksters Compete in Intuitive's Robonanza Scrimmage

Janksters working on robot

By Anna ‘26

Notre Dame’s robotics team, the Janksters, participated in Intuitive’s sponsor event, Robonanza, alongside other Bay Area FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) teams. Intuitive Foundation has been the team's sponsor for more than a decade, so we were excited to partake in scrimmage matches against other teams, which helped our newer students to gain practice in a low-stakes environment. We had a lot of fun competing, and we loved being able to have this experience. We also enjoyed networking with Intuitive employees and meeting the other robotics students. 

While we were at Robonanza, we engaged with multiple Intuitive employees, who gave us helpful information, told us about their experiences with FRC and working at the company. It was a great opportunity and we enjoyed learning more about our sponsors and the people behind the scenes. Along with their hospitality, Intuitive was generous and provided lunch for all the teams participating. 

One of the most enjoyable parts of the event was speaking with students from other teams, such as 649 and 1868. Alongside networking with them, we participated in scrimmage matches similar to the ones we played last season. As one participating student aptly put it, "Participating in matches against other FRC teams was incredibly thrilling.” In total, we engaged in six matches, and it was an absolute blast competing in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. This experience provided us with a valuable opportunity to hone our skills, ensuring we are well-prepared for the upcoming season.

Janksters robot

Janksters visiting Space Cookies Booth

Janksters team